Purse Robber

l Amina was sleeping under the cherry blossom trees in her parents backyard. Having not gotten any sleep the night before, she desperately needed some rest. She was dreaming about frolicking in a flower field with her two pets, her cat Hazel, and her dog, Oscar. She was having a splendid time in her dream when she was awoken by the sound of footsteps right next to her ears. A baby fox had stolen her purse and was running away. Amina immediately got up and ran after the baby fox saying "Get back here!" "She chased and chased and chased the fox but had to stop when she ran out of stamina. The fox took the opportunity to escape and jumped right into a tree. She said "Well crap. My parents are going to be so mad at me."
 She finally took a moment to stop and rest, and stared right at the tree where the fox had jumped into. It was beautiful with pastel colored leaves  spanning multiple colors, while the wood had elaborately carved patterns all over it. When she looked closely she noticed a nice heart engraved door. She opened it hoping that the fox was in there. Once she went inside the humble abode, she saw a nice chair and table made from an old tree stump, a nice carpet woven from silk and string. Placed on the wall was a beautiful painting of a mystical forest that she had never seen before. However due to the lack of purse holding foxes in the room, Amina was sad, as she knew her parents would be furious when she would eventually come back inside purseless. Part of Amia wanted to give up and go back home but the other part of her was determined to find her purse. The steps for the stairs to the upper floors were missing so she looked everywhere in this one cozy lounge. She looked everywhere, behind the painting, in the table cabinets, under the seat's cushions. It didn't matter how illoigcal, crazy or ridiculous they were, her determination and drive didn't care because they were screaming to FIND THAT PURSE.Finally she had narrowed it down to the last hiding spot she could reach. Under the rug. She grabbed the two edges of the rug lifted it right off to reveal.....

 a trapdoor? Amina got anxious. "What could be down here, a death trap? Everyone knows that the basement is always scariest part of the hous and she was scared some demon was ready to curse her and drag her soul down to purgatory. This dilemma led her fear and anxiety, and determination and drive, to battle for control over her actions.They fought and fought before finally her determination and drive on over, and she opened the trapdoor and lept right in. She regretted the decision instantly.


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