Headaches and Outbreaks on a Lunar New Year

 Today is the first day of Chinese New Year and I want to talk about it. So every Chinese New Year my mom bakes different Chinese snacks, such as a type of Chinese chip like things (I don't know there ingredients),dried seaweed surrounded by a crunchy thing, pineapple cookies, and some more, but my personal favorite is her peanut cookies. (which I actually know the ingredients of as you'll see later) A few weeks ago I helped my mom with these cookies. We would shape a mixture of peanut and oil into a ball, use this thingie to put a hole in it for the peanut to go in, then use this egg mixture to spread around the hole to make the peanut stick, and then it is baked. (don't use this as an actual recipe, because if anyone is using this blog post made by a random 9 year old on the internet that I recalled from memory as a recipe, then I've lost all hope for humanity).
However yesterday, I got a big headache yesterday from not drinking sufficient water. Eventually it cooled down and only happened when I shaked my head or coughed, and by the time of tomorrow it had almost entirely disappeared. I also heard about on the news about the corona virus outbreak in China which caused tons of people to be hospitalized, most of China on lockdown, and the streets of even Beijing becoming entirely barren. Apparently it originated from a fisherman who caught a fish with the disease and it just spread from there. There have also been cases in Europe and America which is why I found my dad browsing online for surgeon masks. I think it is sad that some of peoples loved ones have died or have been hospitalized and that Chinese New Year can't be celebrated due to this outbreak and I wish it would get better soon. Besides that, I hope you had a good day, and see you in my next blog!


  1. To writer,

    What a lovely and inspiring story! I loved the storyline; it was kind of ‘happy’ in the first part of your blog but eventually it turned out ‘sad’ towards the ending. No matter how, do stay safe and yes, drink lots and lots of water!!

    From your secret blog admirer ;)
    Prinze Kazuki

  2. Hi little blogger, i enjoy reading your stories....looking forwards to read more from you.
    Lots of loves from Malaysia

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It’s a lovely article, I enjoy reading it .hope to see more interesting articles from you .


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