
Showing posts from February, 2020

Lucid Dreams

Okay so here it is. My lucid dream post. So lucid dreams, what even are they? Well in an almondshell its basically a dream where YOU know you are dreaming. Sometime you can control the dream, and since a dream is ruleless you can do anything and are basically a god!... until you wake up. So I want to lucid dream for two reasons. #1:I can stop my nightmares. When I complained to my dad about my nightmares once my dad basically just told me to leave the dream without saving. However the problem was I basically didn't know there even WAS an exit button  so I was stuck in the dream until it ended. With lucid dreaming I could just enter the dream (i mean nightmare) and then just get my butt outta there. And #2: I know this is very obvious but my second reason is that in these dreams I may get a chance to have a world where I am a god. I could make characters from franchises or books I like come to life, I could press the undo button and erase all the stuff in the world I don't l...

My Fears

 Alright so i'll be postponing my lucid dreams blog because i think this is more interesting so lets just move on. Fears. Everybody has them. Whether it's a fear of spiders, or heights or that a duck is watching you... What? You say that's silly!? You never know when a duck is watching you take a shower..... So what are my fears? Well I'll tell you that my first fear is being alone in the dark. So this might seem childish, but whenever I'm sitting alone in bed with the door shut and hear the noises coming from the technology I just get scared and have to open the door (which has light). I saw this post online which said this fear of being alone in the dark is actually the fear of NOT being alone in the dark which is technically true when you think about it I'm not even going to mention the satanic noises the fridge and toilet make! Another fear of mine is of heights. If I see any super high buildings, or I am super high I get plain intimidated by what would happ...

Weird Dreams

 So today I'll talk about dreams and stuff, and I don't really know a way to start this post so lets just move on to what we're actually gonna talk about. So dreams. They happen while we sleep and during the REM stage of sleep and all that stuff but we're not here to talk about the sciency stuff. Instead, we are talking about the weird fudging dreams I experienced. So.... I said dreams but it's more like nightmares because unfortunately I don't remember most of my dreams. So I'll just talk about my nightmares.   So the first experience part of the new(not really this is a joke, by the way)and improved REM EXPERIENCE (Buy 1 get 1 free deal, BUY WHILE YOU STILL CAN ;Offer only lasts for 5 Billion years) is a dream a few years ago where I was  walking around this park with my mom and my mom fell into this square hole into the void and I cried and then I woke up and told my parents I had a nightmare.(I don't remember it much it was a few years ago so forg...

4 Perfectionist Problems

 So I'm a perfectionist which means whenever I see a slight mistake, it triggers me and makes me have an uncontrollable urge to fix it. For ex'ample, if I draw a straight line and it's not absutely prefect I just have to erase it and totally redo it. Also, I bet my fellow perfectionists got triggered by the errors in my last sentence. So being a perfectionist can have its advantages, however sometimes it causes a bit of problems that i'll discuss. 1: It ruins my drawings. Whenever I draw something that has something wrong with it, no matter how minor I have to erase it which basically ruins my drawing! 2: It's a waste of time. When I erase some of the letters on my words because they're not "perfect". It doesn't exactly help that my mom is picky on my handwriting. 3:When I make a mistake I can't fix, that other people can see. One time I did a project at school with a permanent marker and I was supposed to write my name in the center, bu...