Weird Dreams

 So today I'll talk about dreams and stuff, and I don't really know a way to start this post so lets just move on to what we're actually gonna talk about. So dreams.
They happen while we sleep and during the REM stage of sleep and all that stuff but we're not here to talk about the sciency stuff. Instead, we are talking about the weird fudging dreams I experienced. So.... I said dreams but it's more like nightmares because unfortunately I don't remember most of my dreams. So I'll just talk about my nightmares. 

 So the first experience part of the new(not really this is a joke, by the way)and improved REM EXPERIENCE (Buy 1 get 1 free deal, BUY WHILE YOU STILL CAN ;Offer only lasts for 5 Billion years) is a dream a few years ago where I was  walking around this park with my mom and my mom fell into this square hole into the void and I cried and then I woke up and told my parents I had a nightmare.(I don't remember it much it was a few years ago so forgive me please god)Another dream I had was more recent and also involved my mom dying in an impossible way. This time I was in my room and then my family talked about my mom dying from quicksand in Alaska(????)

A. Would not happen because  I've never seen my mom having a desire to go to Alaska.
B. There is probably not a centimeter of quicksand in Alaska because it's snowy up there.

Anyways this is going to have a Part 2 talking about the idea of lucid dreaming but this is getting too long so see you in my next blog....!



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