Lucid Dreams

Okay so here it is. My lucid dream post. So lucid dreams, what even are they? Well in an almondshell its basically a dream where YOU know you are dreaming. Sometime you can control the dream, and since a dream is ruleless you can do anything and are basically a god!... until you wake up. So I want to lucid dream for two reasons.

#1:I can stop my nightmares. When I complained to my dad about my nightmares once my dad basically just told me to leave the dream without saving. However the problem was I basically didn't know there even WAS an exit button  so I was stuck in the dream until it ended. With lucid dreaming I could just enter the dream (i mean nightmare) and then just get my butt outta there.

And #2: I know this is very obvious but my second reason is that in these dreams I may get a chance to have a world where I am a god. I could make characters from franchises or books I like come to life, I could press the undo button and erase all the stuff in the world I don't like such as mosquitoes (seriously who actually likes mosquitoes? whats your reason do you enjoy getting malaria? oh wait those people are antivax people for malaria) or waste or the leaders of terrorist organisations or dictators out of existence without any consequences in sight, or edit things so they're just how I want them (which you should know I would like if you have seen my perfectionist post (but seriously though you should all look at more of my posts than my corona virus one)) and it would just be a great time!... until my free trial ended.


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