My Fears

 Alright so i'll be postponing my lucid dreams blog because i think this is more interesting so lets just move on. Fears. Everybody has them. Whether it's a fear of spiders, or heights or that a duck is watching you... What? You say that's silly!? You never know when a duck is watching you take a shower..... So what are my fears? Well I'll tell you that my first fear is being alone in the dark. So this might seem childish, but whenever I'm sitting alone in bed with the door shut and hear the noises coming from the technology I just get scared and have to open the door (which has light). I saw this post online which said this fear of being alone in the dark is actually the fear of NOT being alone in the dark which is technically true when you think about it I'm not even going to mention the satanic noises the fridge and toilet make! Another fear of mine is of heights. If I see any super high buildings, or I am super high I get plain intimidated by what would happen if I fell off that building like what happened when I saw a giant building right in front of me up on the roof of a building in Malaysia. Alright so this is the end of this post. Well see you in my next blog, now I need to check out what that quacking noise is behind me.......


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