4 Perfectionist Problems

 So I'm a perfectionist which means whenever I see a slight mistake, it triggers me and makes me have an uncontrollable urge to fix it. For ex'ample, if I draw a straight line and it's not absutely prefect I just have to erase it and totally redo it. Also, I bet my fellow perfectionists got triggered by the errors in my last sentence. So being a perfectionist can have its advantages, however sometimes it causes a bit of problems that i'll discuss.

1: It ruins my drawings. Whenever I draw something that has something wrong with it, no matter how minor I have to erase it which basically ruins my drawing!
2: It's a waste of time. When I erase some of the letters on my words because they're not "perfect". It doesn't exactly help that my mom is picky on my handwriting.
3:When I make a mistake I can't fix, that other people can see. One time I did a project at school with a permanent marker and I was supposed to write my name in the center, but I wrote it incredibly off center, which may seem petty to non perfectionists, but that"s what happens when perfectionists and non perfectionists meet.
4:It ruins paper. This ones related to number 1. So basically sometimes I make a mistake one too many times and the paper ends up rough. This became a problem because earlier today I could not decide on the eyes for a cat I was drawing, and I ended up making a dent in the paper, which my mom had to help fix later.

Anyways, these are my perfectionist problems. Well, see you in my next blog!


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