Plushie Collecting:Part 2
Welcome to Part 2 of my plushie collecting saga!So we left off at the dog, and we are continuing at winter.So during class we had some winter activities like making Christmas Cards and playing bingo.However the activity we'll be talking about right now is the making of a stuffed snowman.We stuffed socks with rice and stuffing,made a hat,scarf and buttons for the snowman and I put a red nose with some googly eyes on it.We got to take it home when we got back from winter break and its currently sitting on a couch in my room.Then during Spring we bought a pack of plushies.There were dinosaurs,chickens,and alpacas,but i chose a cute,teal colored narwhal.Our next series of plushies comes during summer after my family's trip to Malaysia.(Which I could probably make 5 more blogs about)So my siblings and I entered a Vacation Bible School(I am not religious in any way I was just in it) which had many things to talk about but all that we'll get into today is the point system.So in nu...