What I Think of Winter Weather

So in my part of the world, winter is beginning creeping in and you know what THAT means? Cold. However, since I live in Florida I don't have the biggest right to complain about it, because it barely snows here, if at all. I think it sucks it doesn't snow here, because I can't build snowmen, or build snow forts, or throw snowballs, or even build snow angels, but i'm sure my parents WOULD NOT agree. So moving on, I'm going to get to complaining about my petty first world problems for the sake of creating entertainment.

I'm gonna tell you something I don't like about cold weather. LONG SLEEVED CLOTHING. I don't like it because during a school day it's cold at the beginning and the it the sun decides it wants ROAST HUMAN today and I have to pull up the sleeves of my pants and shirt which is uncomfortable and inconvenient.I'd rather wear short sleeved clothing and be cold for the beginning of the day, because if I could choose to burn to death or freeze to death, I would choose neither because I want to stay ALIVE.But if I had to choose between the two I'd choose to freeze to death because I like the feeling of being cold better than warm. To add to my cold preference,when you're cold you can bundle up until your warm,but when your hot you can only take off your shirt and pants at the small price of getting arrested. But even you don't care about your dignity, if you're still too hot you have to put a bag of ice over your head or use a fan, and event THEN you might still be hot as a car's inside.

You know what I actually like about cold weather setting in? Bundling up in blankets and being warm with hot drinks.Because,unlike long sleeved clothes which can't just take off if you're in public,with blankets and comfy slippers you can safely take off without everybody begging you to put some pants on. However the downside is that you can't just take a walk wearing SLIPPERS AND A BLANKET because that is definitely not proper clothing for the outside. Anyways, this is where i'll wrap this present up. I would cover the holidays but that would be a white rabbit hole for another time. Anyways,see you in my next blog!


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