The World On The Other Side:Story Part 1

 Currently Lyra was tucked in her bed trying to sleep.She pondered about the next day wondering what would happen.Little did she know that tomorrow would be the day that changed her life.She woke up the next day.It was a Saturday,so she didn't have to go to school,she didn't feel like getting out of bed yet,so she just lay in bed until she couldn't stand the taste of her breath.She brushed her teeth and walked downstairs.She walked to the dining table where her mom had already prepared breakfast.Her mom had simply prepared some toast so nothing was going unusually.That was,until she walked to the living room and tried to turn on a game.When she turned it on one of the characters had digitalized in front of her.She screeched in terror and surprise.The main character,which was a small multicolored cat had appeared right in front of her.
She was going to tell her parents,her sister,her brother.But she was afraid it would disintegrate and disappear just as briefly as it materialized.She readied herself for an adventure.When she jumped in she heard the starting message:Welcome to the Wonderland!


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