Memories (are kind of bittersweet)

    Time goes by fast. You're in kindergarten coloring with crayons, then you blink and your coffin's being lowered down into the ground. It felt like I formed this blog and celebrated my 10th birthday yesterday, but in reality, it's been over 4 years. And that... scares me. I know I'm young but I feel like I've been wasting my limited childhood. Just a few weeks ago, I went to my last day of middle school. And as much as I hated the homework and test stress it came with, I still felt... sad.

    Many of my classmates are going to a different high school, my teachers probably aren't going anywhere, and my new school is so close that I don't need the bus. This means that I might never see most of the people in my classes or bus ever again. And while I wasn't super close with anyone at my school, they were all nice to me and it still saddens me that this is the last time I'll see most of them. 

    The feeling of nostalgia and reminiscing on old times had always been a bit of a double-edged sword for me. On one hand, thinking about good memories lets you remember the good feelings you felt in those memories. But on the other hand, you are taunted by the reality that you will never experience that memory ever again. I had a panic attack about this fact which was SO BAD, that I published an entire cringy blog post dedicated to me panicking.

    And sure, while I know that I can always make new memories, there's not exactly much in my life to make memories out of. Because I'm glued to a screen practically 24/7, my brain just randomly chooses which YouTube video it's going to catalogue. There are so many things I haven't experienced that it seems like everyone else my age has. In my 8 years of living in Florida, I have never been to an aquarium, movie theatre, arcade, bowling alley, concert, theme park, or most things of that sort. And though I'm an introvert, who doesn't do too well in social situations, but it still feels weird to have never done so many common things. Maybe I'll get to do one of these things this summer, but I won't get my hopes up.

    Anyways, this is starting to get too ramble-y (and I'm running out of ideas) so I'll cut this short. Fun fact: this was repurposed from a very incomplete blog idea which I thought up all the way back in March 2022. I hope you all have a fun-filled summer, and see you in my next blog!


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