Rating Thanksgiving Foods

     Thanksgiving isn't a holiday me and my family usually celebrate. Not only are we Asians who don't even have American citizenship, but all our extended family lives on the other side of the globe, and neither us or them wants to spend multiple miserable days flying for a holiday our ancestors didn't celebrate. The one week break from school is nice, but other than that I had nothing to say... until now!

    Yesterday, at the time of this blog's publishing, my family began cooking up our first Thanksgiving feast. Frankly, we didn't do much beyond the feast. I don't know what other traditions people do on Thanksgiving, (maybe they just socialize with their extended family, though that's not exactly something we can do)  so I'm just going to be rating the food we ate.

    On the table were slices of turkey and beef, bread rolls, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and sweet potato casserole. You might notice that we didn't have a whole turkey, and that's because it'd be way too big for out 5-person family to finish with other dishes filling our stomachs. They're apparently a pain to cook too, taking forever to defrost and cook and ending up drier than the Sahara Desert in the middle of a year-long drought.  Tangents aside, I made a sandwich with the meat slices, stuffing, cucumbers, and gravy. I tasted pretty good, but I ended up having to use a fork to eat it because I made a mess with the cucumber sloshing around like they're in an ice skating rink and falling out, splattering gravy on the buns. Overall, a 7/10, with points deducted for the inconvenience.

   Now, a week earlier, my dad brought home some Thanksgiving leftovers from his workplace. The meal overall was mediocre, but I really liked the savory flavor from the stuffing, I hadn't eaten stuffing (and most other Thanksgiving dishes, for that matter) so I was looking forward to tasting it, However, my mom bought Hawaiian stuffing, which was presumably made from sweet Hawaiian rolls, which meant it ended up tasting sweet, and I had to fall back on the gravy for my salt-craving needs. Overall, a 4/10 - I wanted it to be saltier...

    The mashed potatoes were fine. there was cheese in it, but it hadn't fully melted so I was still chewing through whole strands of cheese. I had it with some of the gravy, and it was pretty good. Can't go wrong with potatoes and cheese. Overall, a 6/10.

   The last part of the meal was the sweet potato casserole, a combination of mashed up sweet potatoes and roasted marshmallows. The sweet potatoes weren't really anything special, but I liked the roasted marshmallows. Me and my family aren't the camping type, so I haven't had many roasted marshmallows, but the contrast between the crunchy outside and gooey inside was quite delectable, if I say so myself. We couldn't finish all the food, so we just ended up picking off the roasted marshmallows and eating them. Overall, a 6/10 - it was okay.

   Afterwards, we watched the FNAF movie on our new projector screen. As a fan of the series, I liked the movie, though it wasn't particularly scary. It was just nice sitting down and watching a movie with a family after years of not doing so.

   Hope you had a good Thanksgiving, or if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, a good week, and see you later!


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