A great escape

 He felt the presence of the group of souls creeping up towards him. He didn't know why or how he could feel it, he just felt it. As his realization crept in that there was no hope left, his despair was complete. In seconds, hands grabbed onto his legs and arms and began dragging him into the abyss. He ran and ran until his legs felt like they'd been cut into pieces, and screamed and screamed and screamed until his shrieks rose louder than the whole clump of faces. As his train of thought returned he began pondering how to escape. As he thought about what could drive the ghosts away, he realized it was bright light would drive the ghosts away. Running as fast as his burnt out legs could take him, he grasped his bag as tight as possible and began digging through it as fast as possible. The burnt out oil lantern, a sandwich, and his phone. He hadn't used it because its battery was at 7% and he wanted to conserve it however, it was his only hope. Resisting the grip the ghastly hands had on his arm, he grabbed his phone and tried desperately to find the camera app as he saw the battery dwindle down from 7% to 6% and then 5%. Once he finally found it, he located the flash option, and twisted the phone towards the pit of souls, before snapping a photo right in their eyes. The ghouls burst out an earsplitting shriek and lay paralyzed in one spot. He took this little window of time to push open the door, which this time opened with no issue, and slammed it behind him. He walked out relieved as the sun began rising in the horizon.


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