Our Nightmare Trip to New York

 So I've been gone for a while. Partly because I've been away on a vacation to Malaysia for 2 months, and partly out of sheer laziness. The trip to Malaysia is worth a few blogs of it's own, but what I wanted to talk about was the nightmare that happened while we were trying to go home. Now, the trip to Malaysia was already unpleasant, what with one plane smelling of piss and me and my family trying (and failing) to sleep, and me vomiting on another, so by the time we made it we were already dreading the flight home. But the trip home managed to be EVEN WORSE.

 It started off small, but annoying, with some guy at the Qatar Airport giving us wrong information and forcing us to go through airport security again. And while the flight itself wasn't too bad, the hassle crept back in after the flight when they didn't tag our luggage properly and forced us to carry them around in this big metal cart.

 Then, we had to wait in several hour-long lines before we could wait at our JetBlue flight. But these small annoyances were eclipsed by what came next. Our flight proceeded to be delayed several times. The plane was originally set to depart at around 5:00, but the flight was delayed so many times over that by the end of it the departure time was at 11:00. But then, after all that time, they CANCELLED our flight, then claimed it was due to "weather issues" so they wouldn't have to refund our tickets. 

 This was BULLSH*T considering that several other planes had taken off before and after our flight, and that their last excuse was that the pilots "weren't able to fly" Because of this, we didn't get our refunds, and our only consolation prize was some mediocre muffins we bought with a food voucher they gave us. So now we were stuck in New York, at 1:00 in the morning, hassled with our heavy baggage.

  Peeved, my family went to the security area for answers, and waited there, sitting on our luggage, for the next 6 hours, talking to anyone from airport staff to other passengers, with no answers, until they finally told us that we'd be waiting in New York for 2 days until our next flight. 

 By this point, we were exhausted, so we booked a hotel, grabbed some fast food that was right next to our hotel, then clocked out for 12 hours. Now, despite all of this, I was feeling optimistic. Sure, we were stuck in New York, but at least we got to eat the food and see the sights of the city. The hotel receptionist gave us a recommendation for a pizza place. so we decided to eat that for lunch. I was expecting something good. After all, New York is known for their pizza, so it was bound to be good, right? Wrong. Not only did our hotel have no table space, but the pizza barely tasted like anything.

  Then we went out for dinner for sightseeing, which sound pleasant, except for how the only sights to see were crusty old buildings and boring plots of greenery. Then we ate dinner at this dumpling place, which was, again, mediocre and bland except for the smoothie we ordered. It's safe to say that by this time, everyone was done with New York, and we were ready to finally go home.

 After one last delay to tie off the trashy trip, we headed home only to find out that the nightmare continued back at home. First off, there were a bunch of dead roaches just lying about, so that was fun. But second, it turns out, that, over the summer, our AC had BROKEN, and my dad couldn't fix it and had to call in a mechanic to do it instead. But then that mechanic couldn't do anything because the panel used to control the AC had also broken. So then we had to call in a different mechanic to fix the panel the next day, and then a few days after that call the mechanic back in to finally fix our AC. In the meantime, I couldn't use the computer I'm typing this blog on so it didn't explode from the heat, and we had to sleep downstairs so we didn't grill alive like pigs in a blanket.

 So what have we learned? Don't fly JetBlue unless you enjoy being stuck away from home, and your air-conditioning breaking in the middle of summer in Florida is a nightmare. See you whenever I remember this blog exists!


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