Educational Quiz Games

     Now, you're probably confused about what I mean by the title, but just think about games like Kahoot. If you don't know what Kahoot is, it is basically a live quiz that you can use a join code to enter.  You'll earn points by answering questions correctly, and the faster you answer them, the more points you earn.

    However, most of you may not realize that Kahoot has been updated with more game modes. In one game mode, you and your class are in a submarine, and you have to run away from a giant pink fish, and then you have to press buttons of a garbage disposal, colosseum, and a bathroom sign with lines under it to not die. In another, you have to build a higher tower than the other teams and make sure Donkey Kong doesn't pop in and obscure your vision.

    Another thing most of you don't realize is that Kahoot has competition now - the first of which we'll mention is Quizlet. Quizlet has a lot of the same elements as Kahoot, four questions, speed-based point system, and a streak system I neglected to mention, but it puts a spicy little twist and introduces power-ups. 

    Some power ups are "defensive" like Immunity and Streak Saver which do exactly what they say on the tin, and give immunity to an incorrect answer and saves your steak if you do get one wrong, respectively. There are also "offensive" power ups like Double Jeopardy, which doubles your points but makes you pay the price for an incorrect answer. It also has two among us emotes. Clearly the game of all time.

    The last game I'll talk about today is Blooket, which is named after the titular blooks, square-shaped animals that you can use as an avatar. Like the other games, Blooket has a classic game mode which is basically just a ripoff of Kahoot, but what people really play Blooket for is the large variety of game modes. 

    There are some luck-based game modes, like Gold Rush, where you answer questions collect piles of gold from chests, and avoid first place like the plague so that everyone else in your class doesn't dogpile you and steal all your money. There are also some tycoon game modes like Cafe, where you run a cafe and have to answer questions to restock supplies, and Factory, where you answer questions to collect blooks to power your factory. But my personal favorite game mode is Monster Brawl. You fight off the hoards of enemy blooks and answer questions to upgrade your character. This may seem bare bones, but there's a surprising amount of variety to these upgrades, and it creates a different yet fun experience each time you play.

    So anyways, I just wanted to talk about these games because when I first entered 7th grade, I was dumbfounded when I discovered that there were more of these games than just Kahoot. Anyways, have a good day, and see you in the next blog!



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