Holiday Spirit

 Christmas. It's a time of snowflakes, presents, angels and holly. Feasts, pine trees, Santa, and of course, being jolly. Christmas is jam-packed with all sorts of wonderful things, and today, I'll be talking about them. First off, is snow. Now, as you'd probably know if you've ever been here, snow isn't exactly a thing in Florida. We do get some cold winds every once in a while, but this winter, not even those are arriving this winter. That's a shame for me, because I love the cold. 

 I love the feeling of being snuggled up in bed, cozy with blankets and pillows surrounding me. And though I have no memory of my encounters with snow back in England, it seems fun to have snowball fights, build snow forts and snowman, and catch falling snowflakes, then go back inside and snuggle up with a warm cup of hot cocoa and a blanket. I'm sure there's a less pleasant side to snowy weather, like having to stay outside to shovel snow off of cars and rooves, and ice freezing over and breaking power lines and roads, but for now, snow will be a child-like wonder just out of my reach.

 Now, presents. Unlike snow, they're something that everyone who celebrates Christmas has experienced at one point or another. Though I think we can all agree that we love presents, I think we all should appreciate them more, even the more "undesirable" ones like clothing items. Presents are like expressions of love towards you. They show that they care about you, and appreciate you. Of course, it's not the only expression of love, but it's still a way people show their love for others and I think we should appreciate it more, rather than whining about it because it wasn't what you wanted. 

 The last thing I want to talk about today is Santa Claus. As we all know, Santa Claus is a human man who rides around on Christmas day in a sleigh carried by reindeer to slide down people's chimneys and put presents under their Christmas trees. 

However, there are some weird parts about this legend that I feel the need to point out. For example, why does Santa Claus still go down chimneys? Nowadays, most homes use heaters and the like in order to heat up their homes, so how come the story hasn't changed to accommodate those modern changes? What do those parents say to their kids? That Santa breaks open their windows and slips presents under their trees. I mean, that would be one way to see you when you're sleeping, but why is this even a line in that song? It makes it sound like Santa is a murderer, entering your home without a sound to go kill you in your sleep! Also, why use fireplaces as your main form of transportation? You know, the things that are on fire! Sure, most of them might be off, but in the billions of houses he'll have to travel to, there has to be at least ONE with an open fire, and if you fall in that, it's game over.

 On a lighter note, why was character was made in the first place. Why do parents need to pretend that this magical man came down to give their child presents when they don't do that on birthdays?  I just can't find a reason why they would make up a present-giving character for Christmas, but not do the same for birthdays.

  Anyways, I know this is late, but I hope you had a Merry Belated Christmas, and a Happy New Year! See you next year!


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