A Happy Halloween

  Halloween. It's my favorite holiday, and it's not just because it happens in the same month as my birthday. It's because of the trick or treating tradition. And this year, I finally got to go trick or treating for the first time in two years. It was pretty fun!

 So for Halloween, I used to go with my father's family friends for trick or treating,  but since they moved away, I had to go trick or treating with my sister's friends instead. So me and my sister were at her friend's house, (They had dressed up as an angel and devil pair) and we were waiting for her other friends to arrive. I had never met or talked to any of them before, so I was shy and didn't talk to them very much. 

 I had dressed up as a simple mushroom. I was wearing a white shirt and pants, and was wearing a mushroom hat and mushroom container (courtesy of my mom and sister). While I was passing the time, I fidgeted with the plastic rats, and plastic spiders glued onto the container, and one of them fell off, and I had to put it inside of the container.

 Anyways, once me and our group got set up, we started to go trick or treating. However, we didn't actually knock on many doors. Most of the candy we obtained  was from people sitting outside in fold-up chairs and giving handing out candy from their candy bowls. Anyways, people were complimenting my mushroom container and it's light-up feature, though some people mistook me for Toad from Mario. 

 Then, we reached the neighborhoods playground. There were some swings, a climbable play area, and one of those animal rocker things. A friend of my sister's wanted to take some cool and mysterious photos behind one of the trees, so I turned on the flashing lights in my mushroom container to try and help with the photo-taking. Then, another one of her friends challenged my sister to a competition of who could swing the farthest, and her friend ended up winning out. However, the mushroom cap on my container loosened and broke off, meaning I couldn't use the rope attached to the cap, and had to use the more uncomfortable handle instead. After about 30 more minutes and finding one of those voice tube thingies which didn't lead anywhere we left the playground.

 The rest of our trick or treating experience went fairly normally, with some mildly funny shenanigans on the way back to her friend's house. One of these shenanigans was one of the candy givers throwing some (wrapped) candy into the air and onto the ground. Another one included how the friend who wanted to take the tree photos also gave me a LOT of the snickers candy while we were sorting through our pile, and how I kept on throwing this weird stretchy skeleton toy at my sister.  

 After a long, but fun night, me and my sister went home, took a shower, and things went back to usual. Overall, it was a fun night, and I had a good time. I can't wait for next year's Halloween!


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