Pandemic Problems

So throughout this pandemic, a lot of stupid decisions have been made by pretty much everyone in handling the spread of Covid-19, but America has got to be one of the countries that has handled it the poorest, with cases skyrocketing from a few dozen to millions over the span of only about a month. 

 And now, just when the virus is FINALLY starting to die down and vaccines are finally being rolled out, America has decided to reopen it's doors and lift mask mandates. 

Now, I know everyone wants to get back to normal life as soon as possible, but reopening this soon is just asking for another surge of Covid-19, which means  the pandemic is more likely to be prolonged even further, and especially with the new Delta variant running around and causing havoc, an increased chance that one of your loved one will bite the dust from Covid-19, which is probably not a price you'd want to pay for being able to go back to regular life.

To accompany the reopening America has also decided to lift mask mandates and our state's governor has even outrighted banned mask mandates in schools so that some parents wouldn't get pissed that their "freedom was taken away from them". Now, I personally think that this is a really stupid idea, simply because of the obvious reason that the last thing we need during a worldwide pandemic is a bunch of unvaccinated, maskless children running around in an enclosed space and staying in close quarters with multiple people for prolonged periods of time. 

Speaking of stupidity, all of the anti-maskers throughout quarantine have made me facepalm.  Like, I know wearing a face mask isn't exactly the most comfortable thing, but the way i've seen some people phrase it is just ridiculous. It's not a tool used by the government to silence you or something like that, it's just a simple precaution to keep you and your family safe from the Covid-19 virus. Same thing with vaccines. Essential oils and scented candles may smell nice, but they are not substitutes for ACTUAL medical treatment, and not an excuse to pass on what could be the difference between having your child lying in a coffin six feet under, and having them going to a sleepover at a friends house. 

These factors, combined with the fact that there aren't any alternatives has led me and my parents to the decision to make me go to virtual school. Now this makes me nervous because I am a procrastinator and I'm nervous that while doing my lessons, I'll watch a video and get distracted, then do a little bit before watching another video, and then I don't get anything done. I can only hope that the strategy i've developed will be enough to combat these tendencies.

Anyways, I'll see you in my next blog!


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