My Thoughts on Bugs

 One thing that most people don't realize is that EVERYONE, whether you're short or tall, friendly or mean, from the one side of the Pacific Ocean or the other, etc. All of us have taken a life. And some of us have ended tens, hundreds, or THOUSANDS, of lives. These murders happen right in front of our eyes, and none of us bat an eye. You know why? Because all of this death occurs to one particularly controversial class of creatures, one known for being creepy and crawly, bugs.

 Now, lots of people have repulsing feelings towards insects, but most people, ESPECIALLY those of you who live in place with warm climates, can agree that mosquitoes are. the. absolute. WORST. I hate everything about these annoying as butt creatures. 

 They're really tiny, which is good because I can't see their details well enough to be creeped out by them, but also mean that you can't see them unless you constantly inspect your legs to make sure there isn't any tiny vampires feasting on your blood, which is a huge inconvenience that most people don't bother to do, but even if we had the patience to check for these demons ever second, we still couldn't because when we go out, we usually go and play badminton, which if you've ever played before, you'd know that you won't have the time to check for mosquitoes without absolutely failing at badminton. You can't feel them either, so there's almost no way to check for mosquitoes. Our family does have a mosquito repellent, but i've found that we still get bug bites when we go out and play.

 I wouldn't even be bothered by it under other circumstances, I mean, like all other animals, they're just doing what they have to do to survive, but they also cause itchy swellings that last for ages, and they also can inject some of the deadliest diseases in EXISTENCE. Even if you searched every crack in crevice in the universe, I doubt you could find a single person who likes these pests.

Moving on, (because I don't just want to talk about mosquitoes all day long.) Our family has also had problems regarding other creepy crawlies deciding to take up residence inside our residence.

For example, we've had multiple ant problems and for some reason they're ALL in our bathrooms. Nope, not the kitchen, or the living room, where there's ACTUALLY food and where there is access from the ground floor, no, no, instead its the upstairs shower and bathtub, which is on the second floor and has absolutely no food in sight. Tangents aside, I just ignored them for the most part, since they weren't really doing much other than building their nests. 
 Instead of calling an exterminator though, my father placed these packet thingies that contained this toxic substance around the house, with the plan that the ants would carry this substance to give to their queen and the queen would die, effectively killing of the whole colony. Now, this worked for a bit, but problem is, he didn't patch the hole, which means the colony recovered and have now begun infesting our shower again. There was also that time that my sister tried to block out the ants by flooding the hole that they were coming from. BIG mistake, dozens of ants poured out. Now, I'm not really scared of a lone ant at all let a lone a couple of ants. But when they all congregated together in a swarm, it sent chills down my spine, and I had to constantly check to make sure they didn't pounce on me and crawl down my mouth, even though I know that's irrational.
 We've also had problems with wasps, the world's second most hated insect. Everyone always talks about how they're bees, but if you take away everything that makes people like bees, but a lot of people don't mention how annoying they are when they build nests in places where they aren't supposed to. This happened to us TWICE, and it was inconvenient for us both times. The first time it happened, they built a nest in a concrete overhang that we had before our front door, and the second time it was inside our mailbox. Both times were really inconvenient for my dad in particular, but it would be pretty inconvenient (and painful) for any postmen that tried to deliver mail into our mailbox. My father had the burn the nest down with a long torch, while keeping as much from it as possible to make sure the little demons didn't sting him to death, and even then, there's a possibility the wasps didn't even die and could rebuild their nest. There isn't much I can say that people haven't already said so I'll move on.

 The last bug I want to talk about here are flies. Now, I haven't really had the problem of them flying in front of my face and buzzing in my ear that other people have complained about, but that doesn't mean they're still not annoying to me, because they ARE. And that problem comes from how they always try to land in my family's drinks. For example, my sister decided to bring a nice, fresh, hot cup of tea upstairs, and she looks away and suddenly a fly has decided to drink from it and ends up drowning and floating right on top of the tea like some sort of sugary swimming pool. 

 This has happened with her plenty of times before, and she always throws the drink away. I used to think this was a waste, so I searched up if it was safe to drink tea that a fly had landed in, but I ended up finding out that flies are pretty FILTHY, which makes sense, considering their diet consists of ROTTING flesh, but I just didn't associate that notion with them. This leaves you in a sticky situation if a fly lands in a cup of tea, or coffee, because you don't want to have to restart the process, but unless you want to risk contracting some disease you have to throw it away, because unlike fruits and vegetable, you can't exactly wash a drink. Now, I've been more fortunate, but i've still been nervous about it and have been nervous that bugs will fly into my drink if there isn't a lid on it. One time, I had a close call because I was drinking a nice cup of apple juice when a fly flew into my cup. Thankfully, it flew into a side of the cup with no juice before it flew off, but I still tried to stray away from that side of the cup.  

On the general topic of bugs, I'm neutral towards them. I'm not deathly afraid of them, and I wouldn't scream or light my house in fire if there was one in the room but I don't exactly embrace them into my house. Like I said in the intro though, I always feel a bit bad for killing them, even if they're annoying, because, if that were a mammal or bird or any other type of creature, it would be an outrage, and it feels wrong that just because it tinier, it's fine if it's killed. Then again though, bugs might have a lesser mental capacity than humans, so that could be the reason why?  

 Anyways, I don't have much else to say, but I just wanted to tell the world about my thoughts on bugs, and to vent about the ones that are pestering my family. I might do a part two, since I wasn't able to fit all of my thoughts into this blog, but then again I haven't exactly been faithful in my promises for blogs, so we'll have to see. Anyways, see you in my next blog!


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