The Void

When Time Stream woke up, he was in the middle of nowhere with darkish purple chains made out of some sort of antimatter holding him in place. Everywhere else  was that same darkish purple antimatter material, and where the chains were chained to was unknown. He tried pulling through the chains, but his hand BURNED as soon as they touched the chains. When he blinked, some darkish blue creature with on giant eye and a mass of squirming tentacles all over it's body.  It gave a chill down his spine looking at the creature. Even tough he was already a monster hunter. He always put up a cold, fearless front so not to make civilians he was rescuing panic even more, and because it was just a better choice altogether to not show his fear. However, when the octopus like creature turned its tentacles into slimy sludge and shoved it down his throat, his poker face slipped and the fear on his face was real and intense on his face. He was choking and thrashing an trying to throw up the sludge out of his mouth, to no avail. Suddenly, his pain and thrashing was stopped by the sludge suddenly disappearing, and a sharp object  suddenly impaled the monster, killing it instantly.


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