The War's Start

  The fish with the lance like funnel on its forehead gave a response. "We're Team Contrast! Our team comes from all parts of the world!" "You?" "Um.... Carmine. I live in these woods." "T-thats a nice n-name." The bee with a light on it's abdomen sputtered out.  The team was about to leave after checking her for injuries and giving her the basket of food she had dropped as a distraction before Carmine blurted out. "W-wait!" The team turned around to face her with blank looks. "Thank you for saving me!" The fish said "It's our pleasure!" before disappearing into the forest without a trace.

 Predictably, yet disappointingly, the other 2 rulers were kidnapped and experimented on. Igniton was experimented so heavily he was basically on a gods level when it comes to power. Kaigara was also, understandably bored out of her mind as the room where she was confined was bleak and blank with nothing interesting or eyecatching aside from the obnoxious tubes that dotted the corner of the room. She has tried phasing through the wall but something seemed to be blocking her from phasing through it. This is why, instead of alarmed Kaigara was excited when the sound of shattering rocketed through the mostly empty room and demons from a child's worst nightmare crawled out of the middle of the room. Their kidnapper walked right into the room right then and there and began to speak for the first time ever. She intently listened, straining her ear muscles to hear the conversation. But all she heard was garbled nonsense that was impossible to make out, nor make sense of. Still, anything difference, no matter how minuscule was a welcomed change. One day their captor released them from their tanks at last. An extra welcomed change. The liquid drained from the tank and the rulers of the 4 core states were released from their hexagonal tanks. Their captor spouted more nonsense and their bodies nodded in approval and all the weapons and enhancements added to them over the course of a month was readied. That was when, not just Kaigara, but all 4 of the leaders knew the crap hit the fan.


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