The Wonderland

 Amina opened the trapdoor, closed her eyes and jumped into the "basement". When she opened her eyeshe screamed.  She was falling from such a long distance that she couldn't see even the bottom of the giant chasm before her. Her fear of heights was in full throttle and she was screaming so hard that she could barely breathe. Once she reached the bottom of the hole which was filled with teal colored water. She braced herself for death that would occur as soon as she hit the water and blacked out.

 When she woke up she found herself in a circular bed with two very soft pillows and a soft hand sewn blanket covering her body. The walls were made of a dark brown shade of wood with another hand sewn rug draped all across the floor. Amina was surprised but extremely overjoyed to find that she didn't feel an ounce of pain. When she turned to the doorway she saw a baby bunny with light blue fur. Once it turned to the doorway and went into the room where she was in, she could see more of its feature. It had light blue deer antlers that faintly glowed like a lamp, floppy ears that dangled by its face. It had fur around its neck so soft and fluffy looking you'd think it was cotton candy and had an even lighter blue fur on his belly  feet and hands.

 It opened its mouth and said "Howdy! Are you okay? That was a pretty big fall there. You know, you really shouldn't do dangerous things like that. Didn't your parents always tell you not to climb the Dragon's Fall! Those who trip and fall that giant distance are said to be fed to the Kraken and dragged to the underworld by the Tsundine. You're lucky that you're an albino cat or you might've been a sacrifice for the Minotaur. Amina thought to herself "What is this bunny deer mashup talking about? Dragons Fall? That was some rocky hole with "water" at the bottom. A Kraken? A Minotaur? Whatever the heck a Tsundine is? Aren't they not real and just made up by some people who decided regular animals weren't weird enough. Also, i'm an albino cat now? What? This is so confusing? Unless this creature is just horrible at names, than i'm just completely lost both literally and mentally. I just wanted to retrieve my purse and go back to sleeping in my backyard. Where am I? What are these creatures? Where is my purse? Her thoughts were rattling in her head like popcorn, and she just wanted answers.


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