
 Kaigara sat on her clam chair pondering what move she could make next. She heard that the leader of the fire realm had gone missing yesterday and she had ordered her royal guard to go on high alert today and she wan't really sure what to do next. She grabbed her waterproof phone and browsed through the news. Nothing she hadn't already seen. She closed the news app and started opening up a video. After the video reached the halfway mark she heard a loud clamoring noise. When she opened her bedroom door and walked down the stairs and found her palace staff passed out on the floor lying in a pool of their own blood. A tall slim figure with a black cloak covering most of its body with a white mask covering its face with its white pale legs  peeping out from under the cloak standing in the midst of the scene. The shock of the scene froze her in place giving the intruder just enough time to grab her and tie her up with rope. The intruder grabbed a bat and used it to knock her out. 
 When she awoke she found herself in a cylindrical tube. When she looked down she saw pumps hooked to her arms and legs, and when she looked across the room she saw a crimson colored tube housing the fire leader. When she looked at the other two corners in the room she saw two other empty tubes identical to her in every way except the color. Her captor, who was still in the same attire they used to kidnap her, was  messing around with some controls on a pad very close to her holding chamber. After they pressed a button she felt her human half slowly melt into the surrounding liquid. They pressed another button and her body slowly formed, the liquid turning into blood, skin, bones, and body parts of shapes and sizes. It was....... surreal. After a few minutes of her captor pressing buttons and swiping left and right, they pressed one button and suddenly her soul seemed to leave her body. She was just a bystander looking at her own body as it floated in her holding chamber. She could move around freely and phase through walls, but she was bound to the room where she was kept. She watched her body morph and gainnew abilities until she realized. That her captor was turning the 4 rulers of Mythica into war weapons for... some reason. Her brain couldn't comprehend why they would turn them into weapons other than just world domination, but she had a feeling it was for something bigger. Way bigger.


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