Glitch in the Matrix

Time Stream was lying on the cold stone floor monitoring the rifts that popped in and out of existence when he felt his head sink. He lifted his head and looked at the spot his head was on and saw a tiny rift rapidly expanding. He hurriedly rushed over to a nearby tree before the rift swallowed him whole. Not a second before pale, white, and skinny creatures with razor sharp teeth, long claws and a mangled face started popping out of the rift and started to open rifts into other dimensions. Time Stream attempted to use his magic to stop them before the hole got big enough for them to enter through, as their presence in other universes will cause the space time   continuum to slowly crack until the multiverse eventually shatters into tiny bits destroying everything inside. However the creatures lunged at him all at once beating him into the ground until he passed out.

 As Carmine walked through the woods with her picnic basket clasped tightly in her hands when she heard the sound of something shattering. Now often times when she passed through the woods to give food to her grandmother, a few creatures would try to steal the food for their own benefit. They tried many tactics, threatening, blackmail, try to wait until she didn't look, other tactics of the sort, and one of those tactics was try and scare her and make her drop the basket so they could collect the spoils. When they first used a new tactic for the first time they always managed to collect the spoils, or come close at least. But as they used each tactic more and more it worked less and less, to the point where she wasn't fazed anymore. So she just ignored the sound and continued on the path to her grandmother's house until she was tackled to the ground by some sort of mangled pale white goblin creature that looked like it was after her blood. She didn't scream, that definitely wouldn't be a good decision, and all the attempts to scare her had built up her fear tolerance. That didn't mean she wasn't scared however,
as its claws and teeth could kill her in an instant and its grotesque features sent an extreme chill down her spine. She gave the creature her food, as she could always get more food, but she couldn't get another life. But the creature completely ignored it. Its teeth narrowed closer and closer to her neck, and its fingernails were going to follow suit. At that moment time froze to a crawl for Carmine as she could only watch helplessly out of her peripheral as the creature zeroed in on her neck. She braced herself for the pain, ........ that never came. As the teeth and claws were mere inches away from killing her, a blade of water landed in the creatures back. The creature shrieked in agony and while blinded in it's rage couldn't see the  prism of light that shot right through the creatures face. Finally, a hexagonal sword was plunged into the creature's neck, finishing it off. "Are you okay?" A reptilian creature with hexagonal scales asked her.


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