The Twisted World

Hello to you. I don't have much to say but I do have somethings to ask " The creature responded with "Very well, ask away, I don't want to waste time so get this over with fast!" The questions Aaron asked were "What is this place?, who, what are you, and what do you want from me?" The creature replied "Firstly this place is known by the humans who visit it as the "reverse world" however its original name is known as Theare. To answer your first question, this world is the polar opposite of your world with everything functioning and appearing the exact opposite as it does on earth, I assume you've figured out already, I just wanted to confirm. Secondly, I refer to myself as Densho. Lastly, I sent you here to just LOOK at the decay you've put this world, no, OUR WORLD. What do you mean  we've "destroyed" your world, I mean we tend to destroy things a lot, but I've never heard of this place before. Aaron said "What is destroying this world is the fact that your world is "superior" to ours." The creature answered. "What do you mean by that?" Aaron said "What I mean by that is in the battle of the 2 worlds, the true reverse world, the one who won was monitored by the gods to prevent it from crumbling until nothing was left, protected from spacial anomalies and planetary destruction. The other world, the original world was left to slowly crumble in agony as its tormented inhabitants could do nothing but stand there in helpless agony. What our inhabitants don't realize is that we can still win the war, and we shall start by taking you and your people back into the world you left to die.


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