The Illusion Master

When Aaron woke up he found himself in a world that was like Earth, but everything was off. The grass still resembled grass, but it was light lavender, instead of the vibrant grass green color he knew, and the tips of the blades of grass were rounded instead of pointy. The trees still had the shape of trees but the bark and leaves had swapped place. When he tried to stand up he ended up lying down instead, so he had to lie down in order to stand up, and when he tried to walk forwards he walked backwards instead. He eventually got the hang of the swapped controls however he still mixed them up fairly often.

 He decided to look around this strange version of  Earth so he could get closer to finding a way out or at the very least find something to do other than lay in weird plant-life. The more he explored the "Twisted Forest" The more "strange" he realized things were. The sky was a shade of deep mucky yellow with sharp looking black clouds. The "trees" emitted light where there would've normally been shade and as a result the "forest" was brighter than the twisted plains he had woke up in. The bugs were gigantic for bugs and ate the pint sized flightless birds that walked around the forest. He noticed he had trouble breathing because the trees produced carbon dioxide instead of oxygen, so he had to carry one of the tiny birds to be able to continue deeper into the forest without suffocating. 

 When he eventually reached the center of the seemingly endless forest he saw the nine tailed fox, or at least, he thought it was until he took a closer look. When he took a better glance, he saw that the fox was way bigger than it had appeared in the real world, as, instead of being the size of a human baby, it was almost the size of a rhino. It still had all nine of it's tails, but the silky fox tails had been replaced by tails of all sorts of animals such as salamanders, horses, and cats. When he looked at the "fox's" face he noticed the intricate patterns and vibrant colors covering the face, as well as the giant antelope horns growing out of its head. The rest of its body had an amalgamation of various animal features such as bird wings and shark fins. He stood in place admiring the hypnotic patterns and the chimera like features for what seemed like hours when his "vision" was interrupted by a pulse through his brain. It was a message from the fox chimera creature. It said in a mangled voice "gR3eT}ng$ H0m*n th[s {s 1he re<3r$e w@r}d".


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