Fears the Sequel

 Okay, I know you probably want the continuation of my story, but to be honest I can't think of a good continuation for either perspective so lets just do this totally original and unique that I've definitely not done before. One of my fears that I didn't cover in the last fears blog is a weird one and that is my ceiling fan falling on top of me decapitating me or something horrible like that. I thought that this fear was just a really strange fear until I saw a video regarding the chance of a person having a specific fear and the ceiling fan falling was on the list at only about a 1 in 500-600 ish chance. I know that the video probably isn't scientifically accurate but I still think its cool that this isn't just an arbitrary fear that just I have. I touched on this a tiny speck in my last fears blog but I'm going to go into this fear way more in this sequel. So I don't believe that monsters exist, I don't believe that demons exist I don't believe in any kind of ghouls or ghasts but I can't shake the feeling of uneasiness whenever i'm alone in my bed with the lights off and the doors shut it feels like a monster is about to come out and jumpscare me or something like that. The noise of the computers definitely doesn't help the scare factor. My final fear and topic for the day is bugs and arachnids. Now, unlike the other two fears which I actually have, this fear I don't have nor don't have. Whenever I see a bug, its usually the resident ant or fly, with the occasional silverfish or spider which I just usually just try to swat away without much fuss. When I successfully swat them I feel kind of bad for ending a life, even though I know they're just bugs, they still have hearts, and souls, and hopes and dreams that I just ended because they just happened to walk within my line of sight. Except mosquitoes. I don't think anyone would care if every mosquito on Earth was killed because they have no redeeming qualities, they don't look cute, they're not endearing in the wild or as a bad pet, they suck our blood and the blood of many other animals, its been around for ages and have been almost everywhere for most of those ages, and they spread a life-threatening disease around. Stupid animals aside, my older brother absolutely freaks out when ever a slightly above average bug appears and screams for hours on end to try and coerce my parents into removing a bug that already left the premises. Lastly i'll talk about horrifying bugs, particularly ones from Australia because they're horrifyingly gigantic. I'm not really afraid of normal spiders, unless I find a life-threatening one or in my fruit, which has gladly never happened before, but the spiders in Australia are so big, that if I found one in my house, I would probably burn that house to the ground. To anyone who lives in Australia, you have loyalty because I could not stand one second in Australia without worrying that a gigantic spider or snake was going poison me and kill me, so good job. Anyways, see you in my next blog!


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