The Plot of The Girl

 Trisha said"In his attempts of deceit, my brother said a wish which would doom any potential for an at peace life. his fatal and deceitful wish was " I wish she came back to life" "That night I appeared in his room . At first, he lay sleeping on the bed, but after I rubbed my fingers down his spine he lay woke with a clear expression of pure FEAR on is face. After he saw me an eruption of confused, angry, and fearful screams came from his mouth eventually I grabbed his neck and slowly choked him to death, silently so no one would know, just like how he had done to me. Then I silently dragged his corpse into a nearby alleyway, before slicing his body into little pieces and placing them into trash bags. However this caught attention of the heavenly goddess, Etherea who believed that I was using my powers for evil confined me to the lamp and made me give karma positive and negative to souls who came across my lamp.To those who came upon me with pure souls I would just simply grant their wish, those impure though I would twist their wishes to make them regret those words ever coming out there mouth." Allie said "Trisha just hold up one second, that's an interesting story and  all but how did you come to me without a genie lamp nearby?" Trisha replied "Well about that.... I'll need to tell you about your mom."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


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