Strange Happenings

 Piara sat in her bed tossing and turning as a cold winter breeze made its way into her ears. It had been a week now since the disappearance of her sister, and there was still no information about her sudden disappearance. She lay in bed for hours and hours but her fatigue eventually got the better of her and she fell asleep. Piara woke up to the morning sun shining in her eyes. Only haven gotten 4 hours of sleep last night she just wanted to distract her mind. After turning on her family's flat-screen TV and changing the news. It talked about the strange happenings going on at her street such as  the alleged genie girl appearing in one home, and strange animals appearing in another's backyard.  Once the news report was done, she inserted the cartridge into her console. In the flash of an eye 3 figures emerged from the screen. A multicolored cat with golden eyes, a ethereal blue hare with deer horns, and a white skinny figure with razor sharp teeth and knife like claws.


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