Sorry, Theerrrrre was a malfunctyedioklvcajsldino

 Lyra fell through a midnight vortex lit only by faint neon lights. Just moments before she had been dragged into a hole by a pale hand. The hand was was human like, but had horrendously sharp claws protruding from its fingers. As she was dragged into the hole she saw everything, including her partner slowly transforming into binary. Though only minutes passed it seemed like days dragged on for eternity. After seemingly years had passed she heard a voice pop up. It said  "Sorry there was a malfunction" in a distorted and buggy voice. Multicolored pixels began consuming the black void which began flashing red and blue light that nearly gave her seizures. From the pixels a pale white figure emerged. With its horrendously sharp claws, seemingly melted face with a body so skinny that you could see its bones protruding from its skin and teeth that were like blades that could cut through metal. As Lyra was about to run from it but before she could try to stand up, the figure tackled her to the ground. 


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