Spelling Bee "Winner"

Alright, so yesterday I won my school's spelling bee and I wanna talk about it. So basically my school spelling bee took place at our news studio and each of the 9 contestants come up and spell progressively harder words. After 10 rounds the competitors who misspelled a word during the rounds get eliminated. After that, the remaining competitors spell words out until either one competitor remains or they run out of words. Alright, so lets back up a bit to learn about the events before the big day, aka the studying. So when I was studying I firstly circled the words I didn't know, which meant that these words would get extra practice. So, my dad called out a word and I would try and spell it. If I got it wrong he would ask me to spell it again. My sister also completely kept pestering me about the words McIntosh and grown-ups. She pestered me over these words because i forgot there was a hyphen in grown-ups and that the I in McIntosh was capitalized. So, when the day finally came I had butterflies in my stomach (not literally that would be horrifying) I was relieved my parents were there for emotional support. When I got to the world parcel however, I was conflicted if I should follow my gut instinct and go with parcel or go with my "memory" and go with parsel. I went with my gut instinct and got it right, so thank god I got it.
You know what happens next, I make it to the finals, I win it, and all that jazz. After I hugged my parents and waved goodbye I went to my class and of course it was a loud room of cheers and claps, of course. I opened the package and it had
A: some treasure box toys
B: some candies
C: a butt ton of ribbons
D: 11 friggin laffy taffies.

So after I got home we took photos of me with the tag on the gift bag, my sister bothered me with the ribbons and overall it was a fun time. But now I have a dilemma if I should represent my school in the national spelling bee. Dilemmas aside, I hope you had a good time looking at this post, and see you in my next blog!

"i is nub" My sister, when I fell from the chair while writing this.


  1. Congratulations! You did it. I hope you take the challenge to join the next level and share your story. Good luck.
    Hug hug


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