Everything I Draw Comes to Life Part Three: The Genie Girl

 "Let's do this!" Ally said as she jumped onto her bed with Callie. Callie said "Hmm... what should we draw? I know what we should draw! Lets draw a slice of cake! I' hungry, because I didn't eat breakfast..." "How did I not think of drawing food??!! Anyways, besides me realizing how stupid I am, lets get drawing!" Ally said "May the best cake win!" So the two friends started drawing their cakes. When they were finished, they showed eachother the cakes they drew. "Wow, Callie that's actually a pretty good drawing of an ice cream cake!" Good? You call this disaster of a cake good? It's literally nothing compared to yours! Your strawberry cheesecake is amazing!" Callie replied to Ally's comment. "What? That's not true Callie!!"Ally replied. "Girl, you shouldn't compare yourself to others." a voice said. "Wait who said that?!" Callie and Ally said in unison. 

 The voice said "Well, I revealed myself, so I might as well explain myself. My name is Trisha, but the people who have heard of me through folktale refer to me as the genie girl. According to those folktales, I am " an elusive spirit who granted wishes to pure hearted people. Those folktales also said I granted wishes to impure hearted people, however I would make them backfire horribly and would not reply on wishes to take back their previous wish." How did you become a genie?" "Well I wouldn't have answered this if it wasn't already out their, but it is so might as well tell....  Well.. as a child I was what you call a "child prodigy" I was able to learn to read at age 2, do middle school math in second grade, and learn how to drive at age 8. I was a so called "genius" in my home town which is where the name "genie" came from. My siblings were always jealous of me, especially my older brother. One fateful day, I was checking out an oil lamp when my brother tackled me and cut off my breathing, leading me to die by choking.When I was sent to the afterlife, I had one wish, and that was to go back to the place I died and stay on earth to grant other peoples wishes. My wish was granted, and I was sent to earth. When I went back to where I died I saw my body on a hospital bed. My older brother was faking it, and playing innocent,whcih frustrated me, but I knew how to get my revenge. When he made a wish, I knew it was my chance.


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