Everything I Draw Comes to Life Part Two: Lets Do This!

Why is there a puppy in my room!? Ally exclaimed as the puppy jumped onto her lap and licked her face. "It looks like the one in my drawing....wait, DID MY DRAWING JUST COME TO LIFE?!" At first, Ally drew with reckless abandon.
However she soon realized the dangers of her power. "Wait, I could crash the stock market! I could create something that could kill everybody! I could make a black hole that could destroy our entire solar system! So, she decided she should use her power wisely and donate to homeless shelters and charities and draw  food an water to give to the homeless. Of course, she used it for personal reasons too, she made tons of clothes and room decoration and items she always wanted but could not afford. The next morning, she woke up in her new and improved bedroom. She didn't have anything else to do since she wiped all of the drawing paper clean, and was worried about the side effects of what would come out if she used worksheet paper so she grabbed her phone off its charging port and called Callie to hang out. After Ally and Callie talked on the phone, they said bye to eachother and hung up. After a few minutes of waiting on the sofa, Callie opened the door with the key that Ally told her and Aaron the location of on her tenth birthday. Callie asked Ally "So what do you want to do?" "I don't really know, maybe we could chat, I just renovated my room, that could be something we can." "That reminds me! We could draw!" "Nah, my interest for drawing hit a dead end a long time ago."I saw you drawing up a storm last night. I also know about the coming to life thing, and I think it's interesting." "Wait you stood at my house and looked at my bedroom window? Are you stal- " "Shhh, we should get drawing before your dad wakes up" The two friends went up the stairs, with Callie bringing an brand new journal and Ally bringing two pens the first being a white one which had flowers on it which she used for school and an old blue one with her name on it. They went to Ally's new room and opened the door.
This is getting too long, so this will have to be continued in the next part. So, see you in my next blog~.


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