Our Nightmare Trip to New York
So I've been gone for a while. Partly because I've been away on a vacation to Malaysia for 2 months, and partly out of sheer laziness. The trip to Malaysia is worth a few blogs of it's own, but what I wanted to talk about was the nightmare that happened while we were trying to go home. Now, the trip to Malaysia was already unpleasant, what with one plane smelling of piss and me and my family trying (and failing) to sleep, and me vomiting on another, so by the time we made it we were already dreading the flight home. But the trip home managed to be EVEN WORSE. It started off small, but annoying, with some guy at the Qatar Airport giving us wrong information and forcing us to go through airport security again . And while the flight itself wasn't too bad, the hassle crept back in after the flight when they didn't tag our luggage properly and forced us to carry them around in this big metal cart. Then, we had to wait in several hour-long lines before we could wait...