Living in Florida
Welcome to Florida! Our weather is boiling hot, except in the winter where it's slightly cooler than usual! Every inch of water in our states is infested with either gators, mosquitoes, or all of the above! Flocks of tourists come here each year to visit a gigantic rat and contract heatstroke under our famous Florida Sun(TM)!And best of all, our state is filled with hordes of crazy ass people who do not care about "rules" or "societal expectations" and will do whatever they want! That's what most people hear about Florida. But as a person who's lived in Florida for the past 7 years, I have a different view on the place. First off, I've never actually been tp Oversized Rat Park. (Insert stock sound of people gasping in shock) Yeah, I know it's the whole appeal of this place is large rat theme park, but the thing is, my family doesn't really go out that much. At most, we'll go out to a grocery store, or a fast-food restaurant, but almos...