
Showing posts from February, 2023

School Shootings

     If you're reading this post, chances are you've been to school before. Now, usually you'd worry about if you got your homework done, or if you got a good grade on the recent test. But in recent years, we've had to worry if the current school day is going to be our last.      Currently, I'm in middle school, the awkward in-between stage between elementary and high school, which means I thankfully don't have to worry as much about an attack on my school, at least not until I get into high school. But even despite that, the looming threat of a shooter at my school puts me on edge. The idea that it could start out like any other normal day,  with nothing hinting that anything unusual would happen... and it could all end in tragedy.       If I was still living in the United Kingdom, I wouldn't be worrying about this. I was just cast it away as a one-in-a-million occurrence that would almost never happen to me. But I don't live in th...